Pulling back the curtain on Tomorrow so that the Church can Repent today before it is too late.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Is Obama the AntiChrist? We will see....


The mania that the socialists are experiencing over Barack Hussain Obama has reach a crescendo. Now they are openly calling him "the Christ", "Their Messiah", "Jesus". If this "Dictator - to be" is elected by ACORN and Corrupt Politicians then I believe they might be right. He will be their "savior". The one promised in Isaiah, Daniel, and Revelation. He will be the one who rejected the god of his father "Islam" and embraced the god of "forces" (i.e. Power). This man will say anything to win. If America believes him then we deserve the consequences. To all Believers I would encourage you to prepare for the police State and Speech Police which are coming. Get out of Debt. Put away enough food that last you during the turmoil and riots that are coming. Network with other true believers in order to have a support network when these times come. If you are a member of large mega-church or any "seeker-sensitive" church then leave it. Find a true Church which preaches against Sin and proclaims Salvation by Repentance and Faith in Yeshua's death on the Cross and Resurrection from the Dead. If this guy is the AntiChrist, things will move quickly after he is elected. True Christianity will be all but criminalized in the USA. They will outlaw the sharing of your faith in the public forum. Churches will be forced to hire Gays. Home Schooling will be outlawed. Speech against homosexuality will be criminalized. Our rights under the constitution will be made into privileges. Christians will be rounded up and sent "away" for "re-education" like in China. Hard times are approaching. We need to be ready. If Obama is the AntiChrist, he will be elected and then all hell will break out.

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